I am a professor in
School of Computing and Information Systems at The University of Melbourne that I joined in 2020.
Prior to that I spent 6 years at
Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, where I was a principal researcher
leading work on Confidential AI and I/O side-channel mitigation.
Between 2014 and 2016, I was the Microsoft Fellow at Darwin College in Cambridge University.
I received Sc.M. and Ph.D. from Brown University (supervised by Roberto Tamassia), and B.CS. (Hons) from The University of Melbourne (research project supervised by Peter Stuckey). During my PhD I did internships at
IBM Research Zurich with Christian Cachin,
Microsoft Research Redmond with Seny Kamara and Google (x2).
My Erdős number is 3 (times 3 from Claire Mathieu, Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal).
My research interests include security, privacy and integrity of machine learning algorithms, data analysis tools, multi-party computation
and systems relying on cloud storage, computation and hardware. The goal is to identify and prevent potential vulnerabilities
and to design and build efficient solutions with provable guarantees.
I also enjoy working on
algorithms, data structures and theory.
I received research awards from Facebook and Oracle, and held research contracts with The Australian Bureau of Statistics and National Australia Bank. I was a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research in 2022-23. I was a PI on a joint MURI-AUSMURI project on Cybersecurity Assurance for Teams of Computers and Humans (CATCH) 2021-2024 and currently a PI on DSTG/ASCA Research Agreement Variation on Adversarial Reinforcement Learning: Attacks and Defences.
I received Commendation for Outstanding Research Contribution in the 2025 CORE awards (citation in CORE news) and was a finalist in AI in Cyber Security category of Women in AI Asia-Pacific Awards for two consecutive years (2023 and 2024).
Google Scholar
Publications • Security Research Group UoM
Email: oohrimenko a t unimelb dоt edu dоt au
My research interests are broadly in privacy, integrity and security of data analysis, machine learning and systems relying on cloud computing and secure hardware, including (click to expand):
At Microsoft Research I was part of Confidential Computing group when our group contributed to:
Algorithms and Complexity in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Security Analytics in 2023, 2024
Computer Systems in 2020, 2021, 2022
Supervising a team of UoM students "Unimelb Peekaboo"
in the NeurIPS Hide-and-seek privacy challenge: Generating synthetic data
using DP GAN (code), 2020
Demystifying cryptography, Hands On Engineering and IT, UoM 2020
Excellence in First-Time Teaching and Learning Award from CIS/UoM in 2020
If you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D., a Master's or an undergraduate advanced studies project in security, privacy, data structures or algorithms, please contact me directly.
Graduate researchers:
- Pengbo Yan, PhD, co-supervision with Toby Murray and Rob Sison. Started in 2021.
- Calvin Huang, PhD, co-supervision with Neil Marchant and Ben Rubinstein. Started in 2021.
- Jiankai Jin, PhD, co-supervision with Ben Rubinstein. Started in 2021.
- Jacey Ligthart-Smith, MPhil, co-supervised with Tony Wirth. Graduated in 2023. Now at UWA.
- Zheguang Zhao, postdoctoral researcher. Now at NetApp.
- Tian Hui, Masters, co-supervised with Farhad Farokhi. Graduated in 2023.
- Qiongkai Xu, postdoctoral researcher. Now Lecturer at Macquarie University.
- Hao Wu, PhD, co-supervised with Tony Wirth. Graduated in 2023. Now Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
- William Holland, PhD, co-supervised with Tony Wirth and Justin Zobel. Graduated in 2022. Now at Data61/CSIRO.
- Michelle Chen, Masters. Graduated in 2021. Now at Google.
- Ge Yao, PhD, co-supervised with Udaya Parampalli. Graduated in 2020.
Interns at Microsoft Research:
I was also lucky to work with many bright students at Microsoft:
- Dongge Han (Oxford University, now at Microsoft Research), 2019
- Wanrong Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology, now at Harvard), 2019
- Sajin Sasy (University of Waterloo, now at CISPA), 2019
- Jamie Hayes (University College London, now at Google DeepMind), 2018
- Kartik Nayak (The University Of Maryland, now at Duke University), 2017
- Lawrence Esswood (Cambridge University), 2016
- Daniel Gruss (Graz University of Technology, now at the Graz University of Technology), 2016
- Sameer Wagh (Princeton University, now at RISELab at Berkeley), 2016
- Esha Ghosh (Brown University, now at Microsoft Research), 2015
- Aastha Mehta (MPI-SWS, now at University of British Columbia), 2014
- Divya Sharma (Carnegie Mellon University, now at Google), 2014
(Selected) Invited talks, advisory committees and reports
- Plenary speaker at The 35th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), 2024
- CIS-CAIDE Submission in response to the Introducing mandatory guardrails for AI in high-risk settings: proposals paper. Submitted to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources in 10/2024
- Plenary speaker at Sydney Privacy Workshop, 2024
- Speaker at Computer Science Research Week, National University of Singapore, 2024
- CIS-CAIDE Submission in response to the Supporting responsible AI: discussion paper. Submitted to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources in 7/2023
- CIS Submission in response to the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper. Submitted to the Department of Home Affairs in 4/2023
- CIS Submission in response to the Privacy Act Review Report. Submitted to the Attorney-General's Department in 3/2023
- Keynote talk at Workshop on Verifiable Database Systems, co-located with ACM SIGMOD, 2023
- Reviewer for U.S. PETs Prize Challenge hosted by NIST and NSF, 2022-23
- Dagstuhl seminar on Privacy in Speech and Language Technology (report), 2022
- Invited talks at Cambridge University, Alan Turing Institute, Data61, Meta and ANU on "Implementation Considerations for Differential Privacy", 2022
- Invited talks at Microsoft Research Redmond and UC Irvine on "Leakage and Protection of Dataset Properties", 2022
- Plenary speaker at AMSI–AustMS Workshop on Bridging Maths and Computer Science, June 2022
- Invited talk at Symposium on Data Access and Privacy, The Australian Bureau of Statistics, December 2021.
- Advisory Member, Methodology Advisory Committee, The Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2021
- On the panel on "Privacy-preserving Machine Learning" at Microsoft Research Summit, October 2021. (video)
- Contributed to the report on Privacy Enhancing Technologies by the Royal Society.
- Invited talk at CSAIL Security Seminar MIT on "Leakage in natural language processing", 2021
- Invited talk at Facebook on "Leakage and Protection of Dataset Properties", 2020
- Secure hardware for privacy-enhanced computation, UK Royal Society, 2019
- Update on Confidential Computing, RSA, 2019
Sailing across the Side channel towards Confidential Computing, Real World Crypto, 2018
17 for ’17: Microsoft researchers on what to expect in 2017 and 2027
Co-organized workshops
Program committees
- Program Vice Co-Chair of USENIX Security 2025
- IEEE S&P 2024,
IEEE S&P 2023,
IEEE S&P 2022, IEEE S&P 2021
- ACM CCS 2025,
ACM CCS 2024,
ACM CCS 2023, ACM CCS 2022, ACM CCS 2021, ACM CCS 2019, ACM CCS 2018
- CRYPTO 2020
- AAAI 2022
- Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2020)
- Real World Crypto (RWC 2020)
- ICML workshop on Privacy (PiMLAI 2018)
- Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2018, FC 2019)
- Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2016)
- CCS Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2014, WPES 2015)
Reviewer for ICLR 2022, ICLR 2021, NeurIPS 2021, ICML 2020, AAAI 2020, NeurIPS 2020, ICML 2019, NeurIPS 2018.
At The University of Melbourne: